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Communicating Value and Limits for Range Widgets

Communicating Value and Limits for Range Widgets


ARIA defines the following roles as range widgets, which means they communicate a value that is typically numeric and constrained to defined limits.

  • meter
  • progressbar
  • scrollbar
  • separator (if focusable)
  • slider
  • spinbutton

For example, a spin button for choosing a day within the month of January would allow integer values that range from 1 to 31. In some cases, the value is represented numerically, but is not presented as a number to users. For instance, a spin button for choosing a day of the week could support values from 1 to 7 but they could be presented to the user as day names, e.g., "Monday", "Tuesday", etc.

This section describes considerations for using the following four properties that communicate characteristics of a range widget:

Property Definition
aria-valuemin Defines the minimum value allowed by a range widget.
aria-valuemax Defines the maximum value allowed by a range widget.
aria-valuenow Defines the current value of a range widget. This value is a number greater than or equal to aria-valuemin and less than or equal to aria-valuemax (if they are specified).
aria-valuetext If a numeric value is not sufficiently descriptive, this property can define a text description of the current value of a range widget.
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